History of the Two Harbors Curling Club

The Two Harbors Curling Club was originally known as the Two Harbors Jaycees Curling Club and originated in 1963 when the D.M.&I.R. Railway gave permission to a group of curlers to flood the floor of their storehouse building. After a year of curling in the frigid storehouse, the curling club, headed by President Walter Egeland promoted the idea of building a curling club.

A group of 75 individuals purchased a site on State Road #2 from the City of Two Harbors, and with primarily volunteer labor, they erected a sheet metal pole building in time for the next curling season. By 1968 the club had arranged a mortgage for funds to install an artificial ice plant and continued to add impressive improvements to the rink.

In 1970 the team of Butch Halden, Jim Osbakken, Giles Anderson, and Dwaine Moe brought the first State Championship home to Two Harbors. In 1983 Two Harbors hosted their first USCA National Mixed Championship.

The Two Harbors Curling Club lost their building to fire during the 1991-92 curling season. In February of 1992 the curling club donated their parcel of land to the City of Two Harbors, in exchange for a long-term lease for property to construct a new facility. This new facility was constructed by the curling club and connected to the existing clubhouse of the Municipal Golf Course, where it remains a dual use facility.

In 2011, after 18 months of negotiations, The Curling Club entered into an agreement with the City of Two Harbors, taking ownership of the building. The Curling Club formed Tee Line Management, LLC to oversee the summer concessions of the Lakeview National Golf Course. Tee Line Management, LLC is a subsidiary of the Two Harbors Curling Club.

State Champions

State Junior Men’s Championship 
1988: Jay Osbakken, Eric Soderstrom, Jeff McGregor, Andy Maki

State Mixed Championship
Ron Gervais, Carol Gervais, Don Miller, Bonnie Miller
1977: Jim Osbakken, Carol Gervais, Ron Gervais, Val Osbakken
1978: Jim Osbakken, Carol Gervais, Ron Gervais, Val Osbakken
2007: Ron Gervais, Norma O’Leary, Mike O’Leary, Pam Cavers

State Men’s Championship
Butch Halden, Jim Osbakken, Giles Anderson, Dwaine Moe
1973: Butch Halden, Jim Osbakken, Ron Gervais, Lynn Johnson

State Senior Championship

1989: Earl Meyer, Rudy Pluth, Wayne Dahl, Louie Bangsund
1990: Earl Meyer, Rudy Pluth, Wayne Dahl, Louie Bangsund
1991: Earl Meyer, Rudy Pluth, Wayne Dahl, Louie Bangsund
1992: Earl Meyer, Rudy Pluth, Wayne Dahl, Louie Bangsund
1996: Earl Meyer, Rudy Pluth, Wayne Dahl, Louie Bangsund
1997: Earl Meyer, Rudy Pluth, Wayne Dahl, Louie Bangsund
1998: Ron Gervais, Gordy Klein, Ron Koopman, Stan Salmi
1999: Earl Meyer, Rudy Pluth, Wayne Dahl, Louie Bangsund
2003: Gordy Klein, Ron Koopman, Stan Salmi, Bob Libal

State Senior Championship (Veterans Division)
Earl Meyer, Rudy Pluth, Wayne Dahl, Louie Bangsund
2007: Earl Meyer, Rudy Pluth, Wayne Dahl, Larry Munson

National Champions

National Senior Championship
Earl Meyer, Rudy Pluth, Wayne Dahl, Louie Bangsund
1989: Earl Meyer, Rudy Pluth, Wayne Dahl, Louie Bangsund
2003: Ron Gervais, Gordy Klein, Leo Stepanic, Allen Young

National Super Senior Championship
2001: Earl Meyer, Gordy Klein, Wayne Dahl, Louie Bangsund
2005: Earl Meyer, Rudy Pluth, Wayne Dahl, Louie Bangsund

Past Club

1963 TH Jaycee’s CC
1964-1965 Walter Egeland
1965-1966 John Erickson
1966-1967 Burt Sheppard
1967-1968 Rudy Pluth
1968-1979 Larry Levinski
1969-1970 Bob Kempffer
1970-1971 Taisto Lampi
1971-1972 Tauno Hypponen
1972-1973 Earl Meyers
1973-1974 Warren Back
1974-1975 Rudy Pluth
1975-1976 William Peterson
1976-1977 Gary Rahko
1977-1978 Rudy Pluth
1978-1979 David Peterson
1979-1980 Jerry Church
1980-1981 Rudy Pluth
1981-1982 Rudy Pluth
1982-1983 Louis Bangsund
1983-1984 William Dettweiler
1984-1985 John Erickson
1985-1986 John Erickson
1986-1987 Terry Wick
1987-1988 Terry Wick
1988-1989 Wayne Dahl
1989-1990 Gordy Klein
1990-1991 Gordy Klein
1991-1992 Todd Cullen
1992-1993 Todd Cullen
1993-1994 Tony Leiffring
1994-1995 Tony Leiffring
1995-1996 Lynn Johnson
1996-1997 Lynn Johnson
1997-1998 Bob Soderstrom
1998-1999 Bob Soderstrom
1999-2000 Bob Libal
2000-2001 Bob Libal
2001-2002 Bob Libal
2002-2003 Bob Ostby
2003-2004 Bob Ostby
2004-2005 Norma O’Leary
2005-2006 Norma O’Leary
2006-2007 Norma O’Leary
2007-2008 Norma O’Leary
2008-2009 Norma O’Leary
2009-2010 Norma O’Leary
2010-2011 Rick Osbakken
2011-2012 Rick Osbakken
2012-2013 Rick Osbakken
2013-2014 Rhonda Studier-Sve
2014-2015 Rhonda Studier-Sve
2015-2016 Rhonda Studier-Sve
2016-2017 Dave Mount
2017-2018 Dave Mount
2018-2019 Kay Libby
2019-2020 Kay Libby
2020-2021 Brice Hansen
2021-Present Brice Hansen